If QTP doesn’t record properly on any application

Hello Friends,

Some times, when you try to record on a web application, QTP doesn’t record anything or all the objects identified as winobject. If you are facing the same issue, try below steps..

Open QTP >> go to Automation >> Record and Run Settings >> select ‘Windows Applications’ tab >> Select the “Record and run test on any open Windows-based application” option. >> Click Apply.

Try if problem is solved. If problem still exists, check following settings in Internet Explorer (IE)-

1. Make sure to disable Protected mode in IE.

Go to Tools >> Internet Options >> Security tab >> uncheck “Enable Protected Mode” >> Click Apply >> restart Internet Explorer.

2. Disable Tabbed Browsing (applicable in IE8 and latter)

Go to Tools >> Internet Options >> General Tab >> Click on Setting in Tabs section >> unchecked ‘Enable Tabbed Browsing’ checkbox >> Click OK >> Restart IE

3. For windows application

Go to Automation Menu >> Record and Run settings >> Windows Application Tab >> Check “Record and run test on any open Windows-based application” radio button.

For more useful tips, refer following link-


2 thoughts on “If QTP doesn’t record properly on any application”

  1. Some times, when you try to record on awindows application, QTP doesn't record anything. Please help if you have faced the same problem.

  2. After spending hours on resolving the same issue I followed the above steps (except the UAC option) AND the following one that I have not come across on any forum so I thought it prudent to share:

    1. Open up the IE browser
    2. Select "Tools" > "Internet Options"
    3. View the 'Browsing' settings section
    4. Tick the "Enable third-party browser extensions*" check box
    5. Restart IE Browser

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